Sunday, June 30, 2013

May Rain

On a rainy day once, time stood still
as the leaves clung to brown branches
we wrote poems on each other's lips
and drank from the chalice of our mouths.
In those days I wore purple
they said it will bring luck
Did it? I wonder.
In those days, lies cheated my tongue
writing fables that did not have a Cinderella
while I lost my shoe
In those days wet mud stuck on the soles
left brown trails along the pavement
those footprints don't live there anymore.

In those days we watched the sloshy swamps
cause traffic jams and bottle necks on roads
while our world melted with the ice bars 
we loved to slurp on a wheezing evening.
In those days I didn't know the names of
the caterpillars and slime moulds
living in the black holes of my backyard.

On a rainy day now,
I walk up to the pen of the house
and stare at a sky that rinses my face
with water, that which a thirsty earth 
would love to drink
Birds observe a two minute silence
in honour of the rain that has torn
open landscapes.
Creeping creatures climb out
of their molehills
some I store in a cardboard box with holes
to allow ventilation
while I choke on the vowels
that I use to name the birds and bees
dancing in the rain
just like we did in a May
that collapsed into my skin
and feels like your touch.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Evokes a picture of the rains but with lovely touches of special scenes that deviate from the usual. said...

Beautiful! Evokes a picture of the rains but with lovely touches of special scenes that deviate from the usual.

Kalpana said...

That's a stunning poem Rinzu. Very wistful.

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